The Doctors |
Dr Mairead McCallum BSC (medsci) Hons, MBChB Glasgow 2001, DRCOG MRCGP (full-time partner) |
Dr Jane Gardiner MBChB Glasgow 1998 MRCGP (full-time partner) |
Practice Staff |
Dawn McLean – Practice Manager |
Mandy McColl – Receptionist/Health Care Support Worker |
Gail Moffat – Receptionist |
Susan Kind – Receptionist/Phlebotomist |
Lisa Martin – Receptionist |
Practice Nurse |
The nurse is responsible for ALL Chronic Disease Management to include: Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Diabetes, Heart Disease & Stroke. She is also available to carry out Cervical Smears, Travel Vaccinations/Advice, Contraception, Weight Loss & Smoking Advice. Appointments can be made at the reception desk or by phoning the main telephone number. Please ensure you let reception staff know what you are coming to see the nurse for, so that you are allocated the correct amount of time. |
Health Visitors |
Fiona Mackie – – Zaria Namutebi – – Jennifer King |
Our health visitors offer advice and support to families with young children. This includes help with parenting, behaviour management and support for women with post natal depression. They see children for developmental checks, weighing etc. They Health Visiting Team can be contacted on 0141 531 8117. |
District Nurses |
Sister Moira Baird RGN DN – – Jim Denham RGN BA – – Michelle McGinty RGN – – Barbara Kelly RGN |
The district nursing team carry out all aspects of nursing care and advice for the patient and their relatives and carers in their own home. They are based at Shettleston Health Centre and their telephone number is 0141 355 2180 |
Ann Hutton |
Sheila McKay – Pharmacy Technician |
The pharmacists are attached to the practice to help the doctors with prescribing of Acute medications. You may see a note with regard to reviewing of your medications. If you are not sure what this means ask at reception. |