An interpreting service is available free of charge for patients using GP Services in the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area. This includes interpreting for people who are deaf or deaf/blind.
How to make a call using an interpreter
Patients can now access the telephone interpreting service to contact any NHSGGC service.
For example, patients can use the telephone interpreting service to make an appointment with their GP, discuss medications with their Pharmacy, book a Maternity appointment or contact NHS 24.
An information leaflet is available in multiple languages. It explains how to use the service by calling or by using a mobile app. It provides codes specific to NHSGGC services so can only be used for this purpose.
Download the leaflet for your language
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is committed to providing equal access to healthcare for all service users, as outlined in its Tackling Inequalities Policy. The provision of interpreting services is a vital part of the ongoing work to ensure that everyone receives the best possible care.